Puppy Visits

Because young dogs need the most special care

Are you looking for puppy visits in Dunblane?

If you have recently welcomed a new puppy into your family, sometimes work commitments may mean they have to be left longer than usual. Puppies can sometimes become bored very easily, resulting in the being quite destructive when left alone for long periods.

We provide companionship and care visits that include house or garden play, feeding – and plenty of cuddles and affection. When your puppy is ready, we will start short walks from your house which will develop into a full walk as the dog gets older, stronger and more socialised.

When you’ve taken the time to get your puppy into a routine, all your good work can easily be undone when you need to go away. In the same way that a puppy will quickly get into a routine, they will equally forget it all very rapidly if it’s not maintained. Imagine all that hard work going to waste!

To avoid any accidents we can help, we will walk, entertain and feed them whilst you may not be able to. This will break up their day and allow you extra time in your busy schedule. We will take the time to understand your puppy’s routine, down to the very last detail, and replicate this.
🐕 Routines and training maintained
🐕 Guaranteed puppy cuddles, attention and love
🐕 Experienced with dogs of young age

Benefits of our puppy visits

We offer a specialist service to ensure that your new bundle of energy is happy and settled when you are not around, getting the attention and socialisation that is so important during the first months.

We will love and care for your puppy just like you do and your pet will receive the very best professional care and attention to ensure they get a healthy break in the respect of their routines and training.

🐕 Break up the day for your puppy

🐕 Reinforces your furry friend’s routine

🐕 Come home to no puppy toilet training mess

🐕 Healthier and happier puppy

Our Service Policy

Just a couple wee things for you to know
  • All dogs must have a collar, an ID tag and be microchipped.
  • We carry some extra tags with our details on them should they be needed.
  • Cancellations must be made by 8:00pm the evening before the walk.
  • Payment can be either by bank transfer or cash in advance.

Our dog walking business offers walks throughout the day at times to suit you. We are fully insured by Cliverton Insurance, disclosure Scotland checked and have pet first aid training. Door keys we hold are stored in a locked box and not marked with address details.



So glad to have found daytime paws, reliable service and we know our dog gets a good walk with someone who clearly loves and understands animals!

Corrine & Poppy

Corrine & Poppy

I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Sarah for her love of all things furry / feathery and the love and care she showers on her charges.

Gemma & Isla

Gemma & Isla

Thoroughly recommend Sarah’s business, friendly helpful and totally loves her dogs- and they love her. Connie always so happy to see her and farley.
The best!

Nial and Connie

Nial and Connie

Has never let me down after so many walks. Well priced, enthusiastic and clearly has an amazing love for her animals. Would recommend and delighted she stays locally.

Graeme & Dempsey

Graeme & Dempsey

We wouldn’t be without Sarah. Charlie is OBSESSED with her, he runs out the door with her and doesn’t look back 😂

Mirrin & Charlie

Mirrin & Charlie