02 Apr

COVID-19 Practices

In the current climate, it can be scary letting somebody into your household bubble. To accommodate the “new normal”, I have adapted my working practices to comply with Government and SSPCA regulations.

When collecting and dropping off dogs, customers at home will either release their pets from a safe distance or I will collect from within the household whilst maintaining a 2 metres distance from anyone at home.

I wash my hands regularly, always wear gloves for handling any shared surfaces such as doorbells, railings or doorhandles and I wear a mask if entering the property.  This also applies to my small pet visits where I will keep my PPE on for the duration of my visit. I also exercise the dogs off lead only in remote or quiet areas where interaction with other dogs and their owners will be minimal. I use all my own equipment i.e collars and leads and these are also regularly washed. The van is regularly cleaned between walks and more thoroughly once a week.

The van is regularly steam cleaned and

The welfare of animals is classed as an essential service even during our toughest lockdowns and there is no scientific data that shows our pets can spread the virus. To err on the side of caution, I require all my customers to notify me if anyone is shielding or isolating until test confirmation, these pets will then be walked separately from the groups, this way no pets from infected or at-risk households will come into contact with other bubbles.

Let Daytime Paws keep your pets happy and your household bubbles safe for your peace of mind during the pandemic!


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